High quality photographs from Lule Sami area in Sápmi

Choose from thousands of images that reflect traditional culture.

Thousands of images in different categories:

  • Farming Culture
  • Duodje-Sami crafts
  • Sea fishing and boats
  • Historical images
  • Gákti and clothing
  • Portraits
  • Places
  • Outlying traditions
  • Forest traditions
  • Mountain traditions

Erling Urheim’s photo archive holds photos taken over 25 years.

I spend the winters between Drag (Norway) and Ålloluokta (Sweden) in the east. The mountains between Hellmobotn (Norway) and Rávdda (Sweden) are my home in the summer. I have been documenting this life in transition with photo, video and sound recordings, from natural housekeeping to digital money and from self-sustenance to feeding fish in weirs. My photo archive covers various aspects of Sami fjord living. I also have access to other photographers’ archives.